Jekyll Gallery Hosting pt7: automated sync and deploy with git-annex
After last week’s reintroduction to the plugin, today was focused on getting the data to and from the server.
In the morning session a complete re-init of the repo lead to great success using the git-annex webapp assistant to sync data to the repo on the server and update the checkout there.
In the afternoon session I worked on two major points: fixing the symlink handling of jekyll and getting the docker container for deployment up to scratch to the point where I can now build the site.
The latter required a few additional build dependencies so the native extensions can build. Now the site builds correctly on the hosting server:
root@33bb570ae200:/srv/ JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build --strict --trace --incremental --destination ../site
Configuration file: /srv/
Source: /srv/
Destination: /srv/
Incremental build: enabled
/var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/sorbet-runtime-0.5.5891/lib/types/private/methods/call_validation.rb:126: warning: Passing the keyword argument as the last hash parameter is deprecated
/var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/cheesy-gallery-0.5.0/lib/cheesy-gallery/gallery_index.rb:11: warning: The called method `read_content' is defined here
Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
Build Warning: Layout 'nav_menu_item' requested in _posts/2014-04-25-21024.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'nav_menu_item' requested in _posts/2014-04-25-21025.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'nav_menu_item' requested in _posts/2014-04-25-21026.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'nav_menu_item' requested in _posts/2014-04-25-21027.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'nav_menu_item' requested in _posts/2014-04-25-home.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'ecwd_event' requested in _posts/2015-11-05-rock-in-vienna.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'ecwd_calendar' requested in _posts/2015-11-05-cd.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'ecwd_event' requested in _posts/2015-11-05-u2.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'ecwd_event' requested in _posts/2015-11-05-the-prodigy.html does not exist.
Build Warning: Layout 'ecwd_event' requested in _posts/2015-11-05-bryan-adams.html does not exist.
Conflict: The URL '/srv/' is the destination for the following pages:, about/index.html
done in 13.425 seconds.
Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
root@33bb570ae200:/srv/ rm -Rf _site/
root@33bb570ae200:/srv/ ls ../site/
2006 2009 2012 2015 2018 about feed.xml index.html
2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 assets fotos
2008 2011 2014 2017 404.html export.rb gaestebuch
Clearly there is still a lot to do.
This still needs to be automated on push,
and the generated site is not actually available online.
Configuring a test host will likely be my next step as this will allow me to show off the work already done.
(I also expect it to be pretty easy and give me a nice success boost.)
The automation of build will happen in a post-receive
which will need to be careful about which pushes trigger it (git-annex is a bit chatty there),
whether all annexed content is already available,
and to maintain correct permissions when content is being pushed by different users.
Currently half of the site is owned by root, which is not great.